Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A New Endeavor

I have been particularly perturbed as of late. Debate and politics regarding healthcare reform in the United States, earthquake in Haiti, Sarah Palin’s book tour…these things have been weighing heavy on my mind. More and more, I feel like venting my frustrations in a controlled, but public forum. I haven’t until now experienced a thirst for this, but for some reason, the time just feels right. My goal for this blog is to mostly just provide opinion, and hopefully have dialog with any followers I may develop. I hope to make it edgy and relevant, so expect aspects to be biting and at times controversial (as some of my opinions happen to be!). Anyway, that should do for an introductory entry. I am kind of excited about writing at you.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, It's about damn time. Welcome to the webbie world.
