Friday, February 5, 2010

The Tea Party, and Other Stupidness

My thesis statement for this entry is that these people are a group of dipshit morons.

I want to clarify here at the start that I have nothing against people who have an opinion that differs from mine, as long as there are logical and reasonable arguments that support it. For instance, I have had long and heated debates with a couple of friends that truly stand by the principles of conservatism (limited government, fiscal responsibility, value of the private sector, social programs feeding dependency, etc). We never end up agreeing completely, but by the end of the discussion we will have both conceded logical arguments at some point, and end up still friends to boot. These people are NOT who I am talking about.

This story from the NY Times discusses the purpose and direction of the so called "Tea Party" movement that popped up in response to the stimulus bill originally, and has since latched on to the healthcare debate. In my  view, this group is just an angry right wing extremist group that basically does all it can to disrupt progress. What really got to me today in this article was the description of their conference, which started today. Not only is it a for profit conference (charging participants 600 bucks), but they are paying Sarah Palin $100,000 to deliver the keynote address. That alone makes me hate you. To pay that idiot any sum of money to spout off her rhetoric would be a waste, but $100,000 dollars should be considered a crime. For a group of people so concerned about wasting money, this seems like the ultimate in hypocrisy. This is enraging. I cannot believe how many people in this country still think of Sarah Palin as important, let alone worth paying that much money to hear speak for a half hour. They also claim that this not about Obama, or a party line, just non biased observations about what's is going on. Undoubtedly this event will be a biased Obamabashing event, focused on defeating the Democrats at all costs. Like I said, dipshit morons.

To top it all off for me today, this clown Richard Shelby (Republican Senator from Alabama) placed a "blanket hold" on something like 70 of Obama's nominees up for Senate approval. If this isn't evidence of the partisan bullshit going on in Washington, I don't know what is! The reasoning for this rare move? Shelby is concerned that Obama is going to halt funding for a counter terrorism center in Alabama, and has concerns about a tanker contract. Look, I know republicans are concerned (obsessed) about national security, but a counter terrorism center in Alabama? WTF???!!! This crap is getting old, and I'm curious to see how much of this the American people will stand up for. Oh, and this really sounds like the very behavior that conservatives are always whining know, pork barrel projects and earmarks. How is this any different? Holding appointments hostage to get what you want. I've had it with these people.

Have a good day my fellow Americans
(unless you disagree with anything in my post, in which case I hope you stub your toe or something)